
Welcome to The Darndie Awards!

You know how the kids say the darndest things? Well, so does the rest of the world. In fact, tons of darnd things are said and done every day! Here's where we find, catalogue, and analyze them!

Imagine if, after Bill Cosby showed kids saying the darndest things, the actually most darnd thing — the absolute DARNDEST thing — was recognized with an award. That award would be a Darndie.

Here's how to figure out if something is darnd. Imagine saying "Aw, you're the greatest!" while making your hand into a fist and moving it from right to left in a swinging motion. You know how people do that? Now, with the same tone and inflection, say "Aw, fuck you!" That's what you do when something is darnd.

We'll be finding the darndest things in pop culture, politics, and our daily lives. It'll be non-stop awards.

Some regular features you'll find here:
– Aw, Fuck You!
– The Daily Darndie
– Why I oughta...

That last one is a little vague. We find that the best to preface statements is to say, with Jackie Gleason fist and old-timey gangster voice, "why I oughta..." and then whatever you feel like. Example: "Why I oughta......give you a thumbs up!" with fist followed by thumbs up. Get it?

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